Friday, October 1, 2010


Well its october, being one of my favorite months, im probably going to post a lot.

10 amazing things about october:

1.  Fall, all the freaking leaves! They look beautiful when they change colors and they happen to be very crunchy, making it difficult to walk outside because I'm tempted to go step on ALL of them.

2.  It gets chilly, perfect weather for bonfires and long sleeved shirts. Or curling up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea. Either way, I love when its cold.

3.  Sometimes snow. Being in minnesota some years it begins to snow in late october, usually just the soft, glittery show flakes that melt when they hit the ground, but those are my favorite. They are beautiful.

4.  Halloween candy! It's so yummy. My favorite are the small crunch bars and hershys. I usually go Trick-or Treating in my grandmas neighbor hood... I think I may be a little old for trick or treating though.. nah!

5.  You get to be someone, or something else for a day! Its a chance to be creative and show your skills at acting. But of course dont forget the costume contests.

6.   Trick-or-Treaters. They are really cute and you cant help but melt when you see them... especialy the young ones.

7.  Vampires, Zombies, and Wearwolves! (oh my!)  They come out in October because they DO exist, I dont care what you believe.

8.   Football! Not only NFL (Go Bears!), but the little leagues too, my 6 yr. old brother is starting his first year in football and im proud.

9.    All the fall sports in high school, all the spirit wear comes out and everyone is EP proud.

10.  Pumpkins! Carved pumpkins, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie. yum.
I hope you can agree with at least one of these things about october, if not all, because they are all truly amazing.

blog give aways

I'm loving all of these blog give-aways! I love how my fellow readers are giving away their books so that others can share the same love. When some one wins these give aways they are entered into a "hopefuly" new book to them, their book world expands. Its great. It also inspires young or new authors to write very different stories.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

starting out the year

Big news: I aced my first test of the year with 100%. I hope the rest of the year goes as well as today did.
So I'm getting to know my teachers better.1st hour teacher, not the smartest. Maybe its just nerves, but I have heard shes really stupid from upper class men too. She was struggling this morning though.
This morning I learned that America has 6 cities according to Spain. L.A., Washington DC, New York city, Chicago, San Francisco, and Texas. Oddly enough I learned this in Spanish. We don't do much in there, its my favorite class.
Newspaper is good so far but its starting slow. And gym.. well its gym. We have to run the mile three times. I can barely run it once. But no stress yet im still alive.  Hope fully that will last because soon Im gonna have way too much stress.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So this will be a lot of firsts. This is my first blog. So far, so good. I am currently blogging from the news room at the high school, bringing me to my second first. High school. First thoughts? Scary. Loud. Crowded. But.. not terribly confusing to find your way around, the work and classes are another story. I do have homework the first day, not good news. Good news? I cant say I have any... Oh wait! I didn't get hazed for wearing black. Yeah, black was senior color. Seniors? Not scary. But intimidating. Teachers, weird, crazy, yeah they are teachers. But all in all very good. I love high school, i hate high school. Homework? Yeah first day and I got home work.. See ya!