Friday, October 1, 2010


Well its october, being one of my favorite months, im probably going to post a lot.

10 amazing things about october:

1.  Fall, all the freaking leaves! They look beautiful when they change colors and they happen to be very crunchy, making it difficult to walk outside because I'm tempted to go step on ALL of them.

2.  It gets chilly, perfect weather for bonfires and long sleeved shirts. Or curling up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea. Either way, I love when its cold.

3.  Sometimes snow. Being in minnesota some years it begins to snow in late october, usually just the soft, glittery show flakes that melt when they hit the ground, but those are my favorite. They are beautiful.

4.  Halloween candy! It's so yummy. My favorite are the small crunch bars and hershys. I usually go Trick-or Treating in my grandmas neighbor hood... I think I may be a little old for trick or treating though.. nah!

5.  You get to be someone, or something else for a day! Its a chance to be creative and show your skills at acting. But of course dont forget the costume contests.

6.   Trick-or-Treaters. They are really cute and you cant help but melt when you see them... especialy the young ones.

7.  Vampires, Zombies, and Wearwolves! (oh my!)  They come out in October because they DO exist, I dont care what you believe.

8.   Football! Not only NFL (Go Bears!), but the little leagues too, my 6 yr. old brother is starting his first year in football and im proud.

9.    All the fall sports in high school, all the spirit wear comes out and everyone is EP proud.

10.  Pumpkins! Carved pumpkins, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie. yum.
I hope you can agree with at least one of these things about october, if not all, because they are all truly amazing.


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